Бренд: Herman Miller

Verus Task Chair

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384 990 

Дизайнер: Herman Miller

Verus redefines what an affordable work chair can be. Engineered to assure ergonomic alignment and support, it gives people both short-term and long-term comfort at an equally comfortable price. And with a quiet, versatile form, it flexes easily to any aesthetic. Verus is guaranteed to work as hard as the people who use it: manufactured to our highest quality standards, Verus is backed by a 12-year, three-shift warranty.

4 in stock

Designed by Herman Miller

Verus Task Chair

Verus’s built-in sacral reinforcement keeps the spine properly aligned, and options for adjustable lumbar support add comfort and stability for total spinal support. Verus’s TriFlex™ back option offers ergonomic performance with even more durability: engineered flex patterning made from easy-to-clean polymer defines three ergonomic zones—sacral and lower lumbar, centerline spine, and upper scapula—to form, ventilate, and move with your body for a strong, comfortable fit.

Design Details


Verus has a versatile design that flexes easily to any workplace aesthetic. Its quiet form comes in a range of colors and fabrics and includes the option for a suspension, upholstered, or Triflex back. Verus Chairs are available in a variety of textiles and base finishes. Visit hermanmiller.com/materials to see our complete textile and materials offering.
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