Brand: Herman Miller

Setu Chair

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499 990 

Designed by: Studio 7.5

The function and contours of Setu were shaped by the world around us. The designers of Studio 7.5 observed the ways technology has changed how we work, where we work, and how we move throughout the day. We’re working more collaboratively, in a variety of settings – but spending less time in each spot. We expect to be able to work anywhere and everywhere, and we need furniture that can do the same.

Designed by Studio 7.5

Setu Chair

Setu is Studio 7.5’s solution for today’s more collaborative, less formal workspaces. From the graceful curve of its ribbon arms to the durable, uncoated Silver Alloybase, every part of the Setu Chair was painstakingly shaped and reshaped to ensure that each molecule falls into the right place to deliver the desired functionality. The result is an environmentally sensitive design that uses less material – only 7.7 kg for the multipurpose chair – to support people of all sizes, up to 136 kg (300 pounds). A range of upholstery and material options means you can outfit Setu to serve as a focal point or to blend into any space where you work or live.

Design Details

About Studio 7.5

When Burkhard Schmitz and Carola Zwick started their design studio as a team of six in 1992, they were looking for the freedom to work on projects that interested them. And for the freedom from bosses and titles. “Everybody does everything,” says Schmitz, speaking for the group that now includes Carola’s brother, Roland Zwick. “That’s how we cultivate ideas and maintain our openness and curiosity.” They find designing office chairs to be most rewarding and have worked with Herman Miller on the Setu Chair, the award-winning Mirra chair, Mirra 2, and Cosm. “We define not only how the chair looks but how it performs,” Carola says. As to how Setu, Mirra, and Cosm all perform for you, they provide comfort no matter how or where you sit
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