Бренд: Herman Miller

Embody Chair

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969 990 

Дизайнер: Bill Stumpf, Jeff Weber

For Nonstop Wellness — Designed with the input of more than 30 physicians and PhDs in biomechanics, vision, physical therapy, and ergonomics, the Embody office chair is for those who take sitting seriously. Our research even proves that it increases blood circulation to improve oxygen flow and lower your heart rate.

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Designed by Bill Stumpf and Jeff Weber

Embody Chair

Embody began with the recognition of a previously unsolved problem: the lack of physical harmony between people and their technology. Spending too much time sitting in front of our laptops or staring at our tablets, moving nothing but our fingers, can make us stiff and tired because our bodies are made to move. With Embody, designers Bill Stumpf and Jeff Weber set out to solve this problem.

Design Details

About Bill Stumpf and Jeff Weber

The Embody story began in the design studio of Jeff Weber and the late Bill Stumpf, who worked with Herman Miller for 30 years on a number of products, including the Ergon® chair, Ethospace® system, and Equa® and Aeron® chairs, which he designed with Don Chadwick. Bill passed away during the development of Embody, and Jeff carried on. “Bill’s design spirit will inspire all my future work,” says Weber, whose design credits also include the Caper® chair.
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